03 October, 2013

Friends Who Protected Are Stronger Than Walls That Crumbled

When I was a young boy, I always wanted all kinds of adventure. Action and Adventure like the war stories about my Great Grandfather my Great Aunt use to tell me about. For the rest of my childhood I was living a wonderful, peaceful and away from stress life inside the walls of our compound our Grandfather erected. I wasn't really much of a town boy in my early years living in this world. Though I didn't realize it before, I came to realize that I was a young prisoner when I was a young boy. That the world outside those walls had more than meets the eyes. That the world outside the walls had more stories than my imagination could create. Instead of the kitchen they had Markets and instead of cars that could fit only 1 family, they had jeeps that could fit more than the families living inside our compound, and instead of roommates they had neighbors who would help you instead of fighting for who gets what. Come to think of it, my childhood was boring. All I had inside the compound was the pond where I fished, the basketball court in which it's rarely used and the swimming pool that's been green more times than it had been blue.

But my Grandfather didn't want his grandchildren to have the same life as he did, so he made these walls. Walls that kept us outside from the childhood we could of had. It's sad just thinking about it, but it was the truth. This affected the way I lived as a child, but that didn't affect the way I communicate with people. I thought we were poor once back then because everyone else lived together happily whilst we lived inside the walls in paradise but with so much problems. They had friends to protect them, yet we had walls that would crumble and break. This made me the man I am today. A boy who appreciates the other people living outside our walls. Though they only had torn cloths and broken roof tops, but they had smiles that was worth more than anything we could afford. They were more contented than we could ever be, and that's why I know that they were better people than us.

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